rimped wire mesh for mining, this kind of mesh is made of high-quality black steel wire, manganese steel wire, stainless steel wire and so on through special indentation, and then according to the customer's requirements of mesh woven into the mesh, is widely used in the mining industry, grain seed, industrial, chemical industry, such as screening special screen.
rimped wire mesh for mining is used to screen the ore (coal, mineral processing)of a network, which takes a long time in contact with the ore, friction, so the screen needs to have good wear resistance and flexibility. Huahai source small series will introduce the quarry wear-resistant vibrating screen for everyone.
Custom rimped wire mesh for mining, according to the relevant industry regulations industrial screen: screen does not allow the existence of serious defects in weaving, such as holes, half-dimensional, serious dilute dense road, a large gap, serious net surface rolling, net oblique tolerance, serious mechanical damage, warp, and weft is interwoven firmness does not meet the requirements. But it allows the presence of general knitting defects, such as a single broken wire, nest latitude, wrong twist, mild uneven mesh, a slight play volume, punctate oil, small debris woven into the net and mild wavy edges and the like.
The material of the custom-made
rimped wire mesh for mining is 65 Mn mesh. High manganese steel is a typical anti-wear steel, cast austenite plus carbide. After about 1000°C water quenching treatment organizations into a single austenite or austenite plus a small number of carbides, but to improve the toughness, so-called water toughening.